Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Dynamics of Change In Media Today

Hey guys, so after reading chapter three during this first unit, I really started to realize how much media has evolved the past 10-20 years. Media now days, can go on debates forever about whether our rapid growth in the digital world has a positive or negative effect on an individual. Personally, being an owner of an iPhone 4 and a macbook pro, I think it has it's pros and cons.
In chapter three, it talks about online books and and how google has created it's own library. This raises the question, "Are libraries going to be used as much or even at all like they were 10-20 years ago?" I feel like they need to be used, especially for students in college. This is because students need to do research through real print and not always through sources online. Not to mention that a lot of articles online aren't credible sources. This has both it's negative and positive affects.
Not only have books become popular online, but now magazines and newspapers are being used very often online. Now days, you're able to go onto and to read the paper there. Not only is this making it easier for people but it has a negative affect on the companies. Although Newspapers are cheap, they still lose money when people don't go in to buy them. The pro here is that people don't have to go out and spend money, but the con being the company is slowly losing some money.
Now to the iPhone. I have had an iPhone 4 for over a year now and it seizes to amaze me all the amazing things you can do with it. From using it as a remote, watching movies, and using it as a camera. The things you can do with an iPhone are unlike any other type of device. I feel as if having the iPhone has a positive affect on individuals because you can do so much with it. And, you have to buy the apps you're going to use, so companies are making money for the things they are creating. They have recently added newspapers to iPads and iPhones. With this, you can have the daily newspaper (one you choose) seen everyday when you wake up. Who would have thought 10 years ago when the blackberry was popular there would be something like the iPhone?
The macbook! I just received this for my graduation gift in the summer. I have been obsessed ever since I got it. The things this computer can do doesn't compare to anything else. It is lightening quick and has apps just as cool as ones on the iPhone. In class, we were shown a commercial of the first ever mac. Wow! It has changed so much the past 25 years. It now comes in a slim form that is easy to bring wherever you want. I recently downloaded the new OSX lion software. It has many new things to use and the programs run even fast than before.
All in all, I feel like the rapid growth in today's digital world has more than a positive effect than negative. Like I said earlier, it does have its pros and cons, but the pros seem to overpower the cons. Whether it be online books, magazines, newspapers, or apps that you can use to turn off the lights in your kitchen, our digital age has helped all of us.

If anyone is interested in commenting, maybe talk about some things such as:

Does are digital world have a negative or positive effect on individuals? Why do you think what you do?
Do you own an iPhone or apple device? If so, how do you feel about it?

Nick Aconfora

Here is a link to youtube for the iPhone 4 if anyone wants to check it out. You can browse through the other videos (it's the apple channel) and check out iPad 2.

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