Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why do we all love movies: From the past to present

As we discussed in class, movies can mix with our emotions. They make us laugh, cry, or sometimes even leave us angry. We can all agree that we all love movies, but why? We can relate to our characters and the situations that they're in. Overall, it brings so many aspects together.
There are many different companies in the film industry, but there are a select few that stand out. They're known as "The Big Eight." They are the following:

Majors                                 Minors
1. Paramount Pictures          6. United Artists
2. MGM                              7. Universal
3. Fox                                  8. Columbia
4. Warner Bros.
5. RKO

All of these companies make the films we all watch today. I'm sure you all know Paramount Pictures from the paranormal activity trilogy. Professor showed us a video in class from the movie theatre and how much it had an effect on the audience. They all screamed and cringed in fear. Watching that makes us all think about ourselves because we tend to do it also. Take a look at these videos and see if it makes you sad, upset, or amped up.

Marley and Me

Pursuit of Happiness

Any Given Sunday

In all three of these videos, different emotions come to me. Most people agree that the first makes you sad, the second, sad and happy, and the third, pumped up or inspirational. All of these videos are able to show the emotions that people have.
In the 1950s, the rise of television began. Shows and films were in black and white but when the 1950s came color began. Before than, one of the only attempts was "The Wizard of Oz" which was pretty much half and half. "Singing In the Rain" was the first movie in color which was made in 1952. People weren't used to it but it became popular quickly and grew from there. If we look at the movies now, it's unbelievable to look back and see where it all began. We went from the Edison, "Sneeze" video to fighting robots that are saving the world with the "Transformers" trilogy. The special effects in these movies are amazing. Just imagine if people in the early 1900s saw Avatar in imax 3d. They thought that the arrival of the train video was off because it looked as if the train was going to come out of the screen. If they saw anything in 3d, they wouldn't know what to think. Another movie that was mentioned in the book was "2012." It was known for its great special effects and how it really made people think about how the world may end. It really had an affect on some people and their reactions after the movie showed it. They began making up rumors on what day the world was going to end and the things that were going to happen. This is an example of how films have leave an effect on the public.
In our book, it discusses the different genres of movies and television. It talks about everything from situation comedy, to game shows, to soap operas, to reality television, to sports. Many people tune in every day to watch reality television, and some just to watch their favorite sports teams. No matter what there's no denying that we all love movies and television and it drags us in all the time.

If you'd like to leave a comment talk about some of the following:

*What did you think of the videos? How'd they make you feel
*What do you like about movies? Name a few favorites and why they are your favorites?
*How often do you watch T.V. and what is it that makes you want to watch it as often as you do?

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